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4 Important Beginner Homeschooling Tips For Parents

A stack of Berean Builders Elementary courses sits atop a dining table in the foreground while a mother speaks with her daughters around the table in the background

If you are a beginner who is starting out in your homeschooling journey, these tips will help you get started and navigate many nuances of homeschooling.

Homeschooling Pros and Cons

There are more than 2 million homeschoolers in the US today, with the numbers rising significantly in 2020 because to the school closures due to the pandemic. Despite the many benefits provided by homeschooling, it can turn out to be an overwhelming experience for both the parents and the students.

There is a constant need to create structure in the learning environment, which can often be a source of frustration for everyone. Students become more prone to missing out on deadlines or falling behind on their assignments. Additionally, there are the mental and emotional challenges of at-home learning.

4 Important Beginner Homeschooling Tips For Parents

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What are the Advantages of Adding Physics to Your Homeschool Science?

Biology, chemistry, and physics…the trilogy of high school science.

But is it really necessary to take all three? In short, yes. But why? What are the advantages of adding physics to your high schooler’s homeschool science?

Science For The College Bound Homeschooler

If your student is college-bound, their transcript will be well-rounded and impressive with these three subjects. (If you’ve ever wondered why we suggest presenting those sciences in that order, find out in this post.)

And if you feel a bit intimidated about teaching high school science, especially physics, fear not, Berean Builders is here for you. We make it easy to cross high school science planning off your list.

Why Include Physics In Your Homeschool Science?

Are there any good reasons to just let physics slide? Your student can learn that stuff in college, right? Maybe so, but there are several advantages to adding physics to your high schooler’s curriculum.

We’re surrounded by technology.

Not only do physics concepts describe the world around us, but we also live in a technological world. The everyday processes and productions that use heat, light, sound, magnetism, and electricity require a general knowledge of physics to create and maintain.

Think of all the amazing tech that uses physics! Scanners at the store, jets, digital cameras, cell phones, plasma TVs, solar panels, wind turbines, rockets, telescopes, and cars, among a myriad of other modern conveniences, all require physics to operate.

Physics underlies all other sciences.

Biology and chemistry both use the mechanics of physics. While students may not understand why adding heat or light produces certain effects as they study these subjects, once they are introduced to physics, the proverbial lightbulb illuminates. Physics helps students comprehend the world around them, and Berean Builders physics creates critical thinkers ready to take on that world.

Admissions tests benefit from high school physics.

If your student’s chosen college requires a standardized admissions test, the test will require math, verbal, and keen deduction skills. Physics uses algebra and geometry in addition to complex analogies which reinforce these skills for the test and answers the age-old question “when will I ever use this?”

Some university majors require physics.

The value of a good physics course lasts well beyond high school. Colleges recognize the importance of high school physics on a transcript, and certain majors depend on a solid working knowledge of the presented concepts.

STEM careers need a solid physics background.

If your student plans to pursue a STEM subject in college, physics is a prerequisite subject, and a good high school course sets the stage for college success.

Careers involving computer science, engineering, and even pre-med require physics courses, and college admissions may favor those students who have tackled and mastered high school physics. Your student can exceed expectations with high school physics listed on their transcript.

Studying physics boosts critical thinking skills.

In addition to introducing important science concepts, physics helps your student hone their critical thinking skills, something we at Berean Builders believe is vital to their success. The current job market is filled with careers dependent on a firm grasp of physics.

Physics enhances music and art studies, too.

Want a bonus reason to include physics in your high school science planning? An in-depth knowledge of physics helps students with music and art! Knowing the properties of sound and light can deepen your student’s understanding and appreciation of these pursuits.

Introducing Discovering Design with Physics

Discovering Design with Physics

Dr. Wile’s new course, Discovering Design with Physics, is a re-engineered approach to teaching the subject to better present the material. The textbook is hardback so you can use it with multiple students and comes with the accompanying course website and our free question-and-answer service.

He shares more about writing the book and creating the course in this blog post and this blog post.

…that’s what the subject of physics is all about. We try to “take the world apart” to see how it works.

There has never been a better time to incorporate physics into your homeschool science curriculum. With Dr. Wile’s improved approach plus the addition of new material in the course, you can offer your student the science trilogy they’ll enjoy, and colleges will appreciate.

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3 Benefits of a Historical Approach to Science In Your Homeschool

Taking a historical approach to science in your homeschool helps make the learning come alive! In this approach,  students learn science in the order it was discovered by the great scientists of history.

If you have multiple children in elementary level studies, good news! Dr. Wile’s elementary science series contains multi-level books you can use for any grade K-6. And the unique feature of this wonderful course is it uses history as its guide. Science Through HiStory is elementary science simplified! Science concepts are presented in the order they were discovered while constantly reminding students of the Creator who fashioned the marvels they are studying.

Homeschool Science: Historical vs. Topical

Most elementary science programs are built around a topical approach to science where students work through a unit focused on one area of science (i.e., weather) before moving to a different topic.

But Berean Builders’ five-volume Science Through HiStory series takes a completely different approach, exploring science through a chronological journey through science.

Students learn science in the order it was discovered by the great scientists of history. As a result, the topics change frequently.

For example, in the first 15 lessons of Science in the Ancient World, students learn about measuring tall things, fire, music, atoms, and medicine. The topics are unified by the people who studied them and the way science was developing at the time.

You may be asking, “Why chronological science?”

3 Reasons to Teach Science Using a Historical Approach

  1. Students learn the enormous debt science owes to Christianity. 

Many unsuspecting students are taught that Christianity has opposed science throughout history. In fact, if it weren’t for Christianity, we wouldn’t have the science we have today. When a

student sees how science developed, this truth becomes obvious.

  1. Students get a more realistic view of how science works.

Science is mostly about making mistakes and then learning from those mistakes. For example, in other curricula, students could be taught a brief synopsis of how the scientific view of the solar system changed over time. In our course, they learn in detail what scientists initially thought and see each major step that produced the modern view of the solar system.

  1. Thanks to frequent review, students have better retention. 

In a historical approach, students continually revisit science topics but in the context of a new person and how he refined an old idea. This narrative method makes science more interesting than a topical approach so children remember the material longer.

For more information about our historical approach to science, see p. 4 of the catalog.

The Eras of Science Through HiStory

science in the beginning book cover

Science in the Beginning uses the Biblical days of creation to introduce a wide range of scientific topics including the nature of light, energy conservation, the properties of air and water, introductory botany, our solar system, basic zoology, and some aspects of human anatomy and physiology.

science in the ancient world book cover

Science in the Ancient World covers the work of the natural philosophers who lived from about 600 BC to the early 1500s AD and presents science as it was developed. The ancient scientists, some who were devout Christians, got a lot right but also missed the mark on certain ideas. We explore these mistakes to advance our understanding of the natural world.

science in the scientific revolution book cover

Science in the Scientific Revolution spends time with natural philosophers from 1543 to the end of the 1600s covering new science concepts as they were discovered. From human anatomy to electricity and the laws of motion, this book shows the scientific thinking of the philosophers who embraced the Christian faith.

science in the age of reason book cover

Science in the Age of Reason sheds light on the discoveries of scientists from the 1600s to the early 1800s. The book covers a wide range of topics being discovered at the time and allows students a peek into the worldview of these pioneers and how that worldview shaped their scientific conclusions.

science in the industrial age book cover

Science in the Industrial Age encompasses the multitude of scientific discoveries that took place during the 1800s and early 1900s. The variety of topics covered includes biology, chemistry, geology, medicine, cell biology, and radiation, and brings to light how the worldview of the scientists affected the conclusions they drew.

Flexible and Engaging Science for Elementary Students

Each of these books can be used as a stand-alone science text and presents plenty of hands-on activities to keep elementary students engaged and curious.

Plus, with three levels of review for the lessons, you can adjust the level of challenge for each individual child. Older students can work with their younger siblings to enrich their science learning experience.

Coordinate Your History and Science Lessons If You Choose

What’s this special approach that no other science program takes? It’s a chronological one.

With this linear approach, it seems a natural fit to synchronize your Berean science to whatever history program you’re using. We have a guide here where you can find detailed notes for meshing these popular history programs with the Science Through HiStory series:

  • Biblioplan
  • Diana Waring
  • My Father’s World
  • The Mystery of History
  • Simply Charlotte Mason
  • Story of the World
  • Tapestry of Grace
  • Veritas

But Should I Synchronize My Science and History Programs?

Yes, aligning your history and science programs may make sense on the surface, but please be forewarned: The process is a bit difficult and not all that beneficial.

First of all, history progressed at a steady pace, but science did not. Science started out slowly and then gained a lot of momentum as the Christian worldview developed. It gained even more momentum as technology developed.

For example, Science in the Ancient World covers about 2,100 years of history. The next book, Science in the Scientific Revolution, covers only 200 years. And the remaining two books, Science in the Age of Reason and Science in the Industrial Age, cover only 100 years each. Science in the Atomic Age (for junior high) also covers only about 100 years.

Your history program’s pace may not match at all!

We think the best thing you can do is cover history and science separately without worrying about matching them up perfectly. When you encounter the same ideas, scientists, or events in a different course, you get a chance to review what was already covered!

Your homeschool is a reflection of you and your family’s needs and goals.

We are delighted to offer this flexible, chronological approach to elementary science you can use in the way that works best for you!

And, as always, we are available to answer your questions about how to get the most out of our courses for your unique homeschool experience.



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4 Best Tips For Motivating Your Homeschooled Child

When you homeschool your child, you watch them learn and grow. You know how your child processes new information. You develop an understanding of your child’s learning style. And it is pure bliss to see your child expand their pool of knowledge. But, at-home schooling comes with a few challenges that parents have to navigate.

Does your child spend more time in front of the television than with their books? Are they lagging in their high school science course sequence? Whatever may be the problem responsible for those unproductive days, lack of motivation is usually at the core of most of them.

Continue reading 4 Best Tips For Motivating Your Homeschooled Child

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The Importance of Summer Science

two girls enjoying summer science in a forest

Fall, winter, spring…ahhhh summer. Should your student take a long break from schoolwork or keep learning year-round?

No matter the season, learning never stops.

But some studies have shown that an extended time away from active learning can cause knowledge to wane, especially in math and reading.

To keep these skills sharp, we recommend some fun summer science activities, so your student retains what you’ve taught them and is ready for the next Berean Builders course.

You can find many lists of summer science activities for your students of all ages with a quick online search.

Look for fun projects, natural observations, seasonal crafts, and kitchen chemistry (cooking) that include plenty of reading and math.

Project Based Learning For The Win (PBL FTW!)

Project based learning can be a great summer focus.

  • Plant a garden,
  • keep a weather record,
  • map the moon, stars, and planets each night.

Your student’s interests should lead the list of summer learning. Find what they love, then have a blast incorporating stealth lessons throughout the season.

Why stealth? Because some students balk when it comes to using “vacation” time for learning. Use your best judgement for your particular situation and find the quiet lessons in everyday science.

Most of all, give your student opportunities for critical thinking.

Let them decide what activities will be most effective. Let them do the research and planning.

Once they’re excited about a topic, let it run its course as long as they’re interested. Every moment spent enjoying a project is a moment dedicated to keeping their skills sharp all summer.

Get Out There and Science!

Whether you take a break from lessons or school year-round, summer is a great time to do science experiments in the great outdoors.

Biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science experiments abound, and summer is ideal for observing and interacting with nature and the world around us.

Summer is also a great time to complete any experiments you may have missed during the year.

Berean Builders science courses contain hundreds of hands-on experiments to help students comprehend abstract concepts with concrete actions and observations.

Moderation is the Key

Of course, we know you and your student need time off from teaching and learning to reboot, relax, and refresh. Summer learning doesn’t have to be every day! A couple of activities per week is plenty to make sure math and reading stay at level and learned science concepts stay in your student’s knowledge base.

Your future self will thank you for encouraging your student to practice what they’ve learned so you don’t have to reteach concepts or rehash last year’s lessons.

Make this summer one to remember with plenty of interesting science experiences. Then get ready to start a whole new science adventure in the fall!

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The Value Of Using Audiobooks In Your Homeschool

It is quite surprising to know that many parents, who homeschool their kids, are of the view that audiobooks or listening to a book isn’t really beneficial for their kids, especially in comparison to silent reading. There is no evidence in support of this argument. As a matter of fact, audiobooks are considered beneficial for all listeners, especially for those kids who struggle with reading books. In this blog, our aim is to help parents understand that there is no harm in using audiobooks. They will only help your kid learn better. We have listed some benefits of audiobooks. Let’s take a look at them.
Continue reading The Value Of Using Audiobooks In Your Homeschool

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6 Benefits of Online Science Classes from Berean Builders

6 Benefits of Online Science Classes

Berean Builders Science courses offer a complete learning experience for your student.

We understand students learn differently. Visual students gain their information from reading our textbooks. Students who take in new ideas by hearing them enjoy the audiobooks of our courses. And our hands-on experiments help those kinetic learners solidify concepts.

We also understand the value of live instruction, which is why Berean Builders offers online course lessons as well.

Once per week in a 90-minute videoconference call, Dr. Wile covers material from our chemistry and physics courses, and Mrs. Lori McKeeman instructs students in general science, physical science, and biology.

Online science classes can provide several benefits for your homeschooled students. Let’s explore some of these.

Personalized Learning

Since students have unique learning styles and needs, participating in our online courses addresses individual needs and provides personalized instruction and immediate feedback. These live lessons are engaging and conversational.

“It has been encouraging for me to notice [my daughter] giggling during Physics sessions with you. She tries so hard to keep up with her studies in your class. From my vantage point, it is a blessing to see her enjoying your sense of humor within the rigorous study of Honors Physics. Thank you so much for making her learning experience a joy.”

Interactive learning

Speaking of engaging, our online course lessons allow students to ask their questions and get real-time answers from the instructors, taking the textbook information to a broader, yet more personal, level. The students can grasp concepts quicker and build on them as the course progresses.

“I really enjoyed class this year. Your instruction has been the highlight of my entire time in high school. I read several of your other texts throughout high school and loved them, but this class with the live teaching has been incredible.”


Online science classes can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easy for homeschool students to fit them into their schedule. This flexibility is particularly useful for homeschool families who have busy schedules or who travel frequently. Science on-the-go!

“I’m so sad that this class is almost over! You are one of the best teachers I’ve ever had! I’ll miss seeing you (even if it’s only over the Internet)!”

Access to quality instruction

Homeschool parents aren’t required to be experts in all the subjects. If the thought of teaching science gives you pause, our online classes are the solution. Dr. Wile and Mrs. McKeeman offer students access to high-quality instruction from educators who are passionate about science.

“My daughter is loving your Biology course this year. It’s the only day of the week she jumps out of bed excited for school. It has improved not only her science knowledge, but her work ethic, scheduling skills, and study skills. Please keep offering these!”

Preparation for college

If your student is college-bound, you understand the importance of high school preparation. Dr. Wile is a university professor and introduces students to college-level instruction through our online classes. Attendees get a first-hand look at how college classes can be structured, and our online courses prepare your students for university-level science. This can help students develop the skills they will need to transition and succeed in college.

“I wanted to thank you for being such an amazing Physics teacher to [my son] this school year. I rest easy knowing he is in phenomenal hands and is being thoroughly challenged in preparation for college. He thinks so highly of you and enjoys your classes very much. Thank you again!”

Access to a wider range of courses

Online science classes can provide homeschooling parents with access to a broader range of courses than they might be able to offer on their own. This can be especially helpful for parents who are not experts in science or who are unable to teach advanced courses.

“…my daughter, who did not want to take Chemistry, developed a strong appreciation for it because you made the concepts so understandable and the content so interesting.  So much so that she told her sister she had to take Chemistry from you because she now believes Chemistry is not a have to take class, but a must take class.   Every week she excitedly shared about some new concept she learned…Thanks for taking the subject she dreaded most and making it the subject she became the most excited about this year!”


Science is just one facet of homeschool learning. At Berean Builders, we live by our name. We want your students to examine their world and ask deep questions. Through our live online classes, we offer opportunities for them to do just that.

“Your year-long Honors Physics class has been challenging, demanding, and wonderful.  I think the struggles and demands it placed on [my son] helped him grow in many good ways.  I particularly loved your invitation at the end of classes to discuss theological or other matters.  Students at this age (and especially right now) face deep, important questions about God and our culture, and to have a godly, intelligent, and wise teacher/mentor to safely ask questions has been a huge godsend.”

For science this year, take a look at our online classes to see if Berean Builders Online is a good fit for your student. With all these benefits, we believe online science is a winner.

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Homeschool Science Labs Made Easy

homeschool science lab

It’s no secret Berean Builders courses prepare your student for university level science. You’re ready for science at home! But what about homeschool science labs?

Does the word lab conjure up a large room full of strange equipment and unknown substances?

Does this image make you doubt your ability to give your kids lab experiences equal to public school?

Don’t worry, we have you covered with labs, too.

The Value Of Science Labs In Your Homeschool

You may be surprised to learn that Berean Builders science labs are even more real than classroom labs.


In a rigid school setting, the teacher prepares the labs and offers his or her experience as the students encounter roadblocks as they proceed. This sounds great right?


If a student is relying on an experienced teacher to think for them, they aren’t thinking for themselves. And that’s what we’re doing here at Berean Builders…helping students become critical thinkers.

A homeschool student conducting a lab on the kitchen counter doesn’t have the luxury of raising their hand to ask trifling questions. They really have to think through the problem on their own.

Of course, we’re here for any insurmountable difficulties!

But what we really want is for your student to think about the problem and come to their own conclusions before escalating their questions.

Even better, since they are not restricted by a set classroom time, they can keep playing with the experiment until it works.

This is actual science, not spoon-fed predictions and outcomes.

Your student can work on their own to find flaws in their processes.

Plus, they’ll have the opportunity to do their own troubleshooting.

Frustrating for them?


But your homeschool science will have better labs for their efforts.

Your children can enjoy having figured it out on their own.

College Prep Science Labs In Your Homeschool

Another wonderful result of experiencing labs at home is that your student will be better prepared for college labs.

In Dr. Wile’s opinion, the best of his university science students were homeschool grads! These students were better at thinking through issues in labs and didn’t need handholding to accomplish the day’s goals.

Fortunately for you, the associated equipment for today’s labs is much more readily available, much better, and much more affordable.

You also have a new realm of experiments available. You are now able to recreate public school labs right at home.

With non-toxic chemicals and first-class equipment that you can access affordably, your homeschool labs will be equal to the “real” labs you may remember.

And your students will benefit from university level science labs along with the first-rate science courses from Berean Builders.

Homeschool Science Lab Resources From Berean Builders

Take a look at some of the extensive lab kits we have available to accompany our science courses:

Lab Kit for Discovering Design with Earth Science

Lab Kit for Discovering Design with Chemistry

Dissection Lab Kit for Discovering Design with Biology

Microscope Lab Kit for Discovering Design with Biology

You can feel confident offering a college-prep science education in your homeschool along with thorough labs to build your creative thinker.

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How To Have A Productive Homeschool Science Year

Mother and son working at table

If you follow a traditional school year, right about now, you’re getting into the swing of lessons and activities.

Most homeschooling families will include reading and language arts, handwriting and composition, and mathematics in their everyday lesson plans.

Of course, we want to give our children a well-rounded education, so we include history, science, perhaps a foreign language, and maybe art and music.

For some, science is an exciting and interesting topic, and making time for the subject is easy. Often, our children will be excited and interested in science simply because we are.

But what if you as a home educator shy away from science? How can you include this important subject while keeping your kids interested and also your sanity?

Let’s explore ways to make science an anticipated part of your homeschool adventure, all while taking out the stress and angst that can come from including a topic that may not be your favorite.

Elementary Homeschool Science

science through history box set

Our science courses are designed to create critical thinkers, no matter what level.

This means you aren’t literally teaching science, but instead are introducing concepts and allowing your student to make observations, form opinions, and reach conclusions.

The comprehension questions at the end of each chapter will show you how well they absorbed the information.

With our Science Through HIStory courses, you can present information as slowly or rapidly as your student desires.

Each course includes enough lessons for you to schedule science every other day or twice per week and cover the entire course in a standard school year.

If you have a science fan in your family, you can go even faster!

IMPORTANT: We encourage you to provide a notebook for each student each year to record observations, questions, answers, and to draw, paint, color, or otherwise illustrate the ideas they learn.

For an every-other-day science schedule, let’s say you plan a science lesson on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

The elementary lessons should only take a few minutes. You’ll introduce the topic and the hands-on experiment, then allow your student to make observations.

Encourage your homeschooler to add what they’ve learned in their notebook.

The review questions will uncover any areas you may need to explain.

And that’s it! You’ve covered science for the day.

Of course, if your student enjoys the topic and wants to explore more, let them! Offer library books or science videos on the topic, head out for a related field trip, or just sit back and see what activity they design on their own.

Elementary homeschool science can be enjoyable for the whole family when you keep lessons light and spend plenty of time allowing pure observation to build enthusiasm.

Junior High Homeschool Science

earth science textbook cover
earth science textbook cover

As your homeschooler moves into junior high, you can move forward with confidence using our courses designed for them.

One thing you’ll need to stress is good math skills as they progress into more difficult topics. This will prepare your student for higher level science, which of course, requires higher level math.

Typically, you’ll cover one course per year unless your student needs to go at a slower or faster pace. You’ll also provide a clean notebook for each course as a repository for concepts and observations throughout the year.

Since junior high science lessons are a bit more in-depth than earlier courses, you may need to schedule time for science every day, including hands-on experiments.

Experiments can become the highlight of the science lesson since your homeschooler will have an opportunity to see the concept as a concrete activity.

Help your student maintain their enthusiasm for science by allowing them to think critically and make their own observations and connections, building on what they learned in earlier years.

Fun topical books, videos, and activities will make science enjoyable for the whole family.

We also offer online classes and self-paced recorded classes for a customizable science experience.

The review and comprehension questions at the end of each chapter will help you and them know what they’ve grasped and what may still need to be investigated.

High School Homeschool Science

Some homeschool parents get nervous when their student reaches high school and is ready for higher level sciences.

We’re here to help with that!

Continue to stress higher math skills. These are crucial to understanding the concepts taught in biology, chemistry, and physics.

Notebooks will also be quite useful to help your student corral all the information they are receiving during their science lessons.

To cover a high school science course in a year, you may need daily science lessons unless your student grasps a concept quickly and wants to move on.

We provide a thorough science education using labs to prepare your student for college. Many of the materials you’ll have on hand at home. The rest we make available to you in our lab kits.

Chapter review and comprehension questions are critical to helping both you and your high schooler understand what material is clear and what is not.

For students who learn better by listening, we offer audio courses. In addition, we have online courses for those who prefer an in-person science experience.

In your school year, also plan to include additional books, documentaries, field trips, or other learning experiences to help your student make the most of their homeschool science adventure.

Homeschool Science With Berean Builders

We’re confident you and your student will enjoy our science courses. With Dr. Wile’s conversational manner of introducing a topic, the straight-forward experiments offered, and the gentle review questions at the end of each chapter, Berean Builders will help your student become a critical thinker in science, and in life.

And as always, if you have questions or need resources or reassurance, we are more than happy to assist as you and your student explore God’s creation with Berean Builders.

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7 Benefits of Using Notebooking for the Best Science Experience

7 Benefits of Using notebooking for the best science experience

Notebooking may seem like a recent invention for homeschoolers, but did you know natural philosophers and scientists from long ago used notebooks? Just look at Leonardo da Vinci’s wonderful collection of pages he used to capture his thoughts and ideas!

The term notebooking is another way of describing journaling. If you’ve ever written your thoughts down in a blank book or dabbled in scrapbooking, you understand the concept of notebooking.

What notebooking is not: a stack of worksheets in a binder. Busy work may seem like a learning tool, but lessons presented in a boring, rigid format don’t allow for free thinking and creativity.

How does notebooking work as a learning tool?

Just like scrapbooking creates a visual representation of the memories you had of an event, notebooking helps your child organize and process what they’re learning to turn their working knowledge into a concrete, visual representation of what they remember from their lessons.

In addition, science tells us that writing down questions and answers creates synapses in the brain that help learners retain information longer. This hands-on approach makes learning personal and fun.

When should students begin using notebooks for science?

Any student can use a notebook to help them record what they see and experience while learning new concepts in science.

Even elementary students can draw pictures or create designs with pieces of paper and glue, just like scrapbooking.

For those students who think faster than they can write, you can take dictation and record their thoughts on pages they can illustrate.

As students move up through more difficult sciences, they can use their notebooks to help them think through ideas and record their theories and the outcomes of their research and lab experiments.

Our preference is for each child to have their own blank, lined, spiralbound notebook for each of our textbooks. This notebook would be used to record study notes as they’re reading/doing activities, copy any questions asked and their answers (lesson review, comprehension checks, chapter review, and practice problems).

Unstructured notebooks offer plenty of room for your student to draw pictures or diagrams, paste in cutouts, or write their own personal thoughts which will further their understanding of a topic.

A blank notebook allows them the freedom to write as much or as little as they want (or make a drawing as big or as little as they want) rather than being constrained by a preprinted box or number of lines or feeling inadequate because they didn’t use all the space available.

But don’t let us restrict creativity! An artist’s sketchbook, a scrapbook, or any other creative journal can be the perfect repository for your student’s science adventure.

Remember, students don’t have to be creative writers to jot down what they observe. But if sometimes the “blank page syndrome” rears its ugly head, and you prefer a preprinted notebook experience, Berean offers free PDFs you can download and print.

Download (free!) the notebook for any curriculum here or purchase preprinted spiral bound products from our resellers on the Where to Buy page.

The 7 Benefits of Notebooking


Students who use notebooks for questions, answers, diagrams, sketches, and random thoughts recall more about the topic and remember it longer than students who use worksheets or other passive learning tools.

Critical Thinking

Students can use notebooks as a place to capture out-of-the-box trains of thought when they are investigating a new topic.

Skill Building

Students hone their skills through notebooking. Creative writing, technical writing, capturing their thoughts into words, realistic drawing, and recording observations are all skills that will develop or improve within the pages of a science notebook.


Creating a personalized documentary of their progression through a science course complete with their writing and drawing helps students own their learning experience.

Review and Study

Notebooks contain the knowledge your student has gained during the course organized in the way they best understand it. This becomes a valuable tool for review and study.

Holding Tank

When a topic causes your student to think of a random unrelated question, the notebook is there to help them record their query to prevent it from interfering with their current point of study.

Follow Up and Evaluation

You will be able to look through notebooks to gauge your student’s comprehension of covered topics. If there is a clear issue, you can review that topic, or pass on the notebook page to someone else for their opinion.

Bonus Benefit: Memories

Avid notebookers have amassed libraries of their thoughts and sketches. How wonderful for your student to have a collection of everything they’ve learned in homeschool science.

How to get started notebooking

The good news is there’s no one right way to use notebooks in your homeschool. Your kids can write, draw, paste, cut, fold, paint, and color their way through their science lessons. All of this creativity and self-expression leads to learning and understanding.

When your student begins a new science course, provide them with a fresh, clean notebook. You can help them decide how they will keep their notes by offering suggestions, then let them continue with their own ideas.

Encourage them to copy comprehension and review questions from each chapter into their notebooks followed by their answers.

Your student can also use the notebooks to study for the tests at the end of each chapter, or a year-end review if you wish.

These notebooks will document science lessons throughout the years and will not only help for standardized test review but may offer fond recollections of their favorite topics.

Get creative! Maybe your student wants to keep a scrapbook-type binder or create fancy folded mini-books. Whatever helps them learn should be encouraged.

If they have an artistic streak, their drawings may become framed decorations for your walls!

No matter how your student proceeds, you and they will find notebooking to be an outstanding way to learn science.