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The Periodic Table: Homeschool Learning Resources

the periodic table

Arguably one of the greatest contributions to the field of chemistry, the periodic table of the elements is more than just a graphical arrangement of symbols and numbers. Who was responsible for this monument of scientific history? And how can we as scientists make the most of the periodic table in our studies?

What is the periodic table of the elements?

The periodic table is a structured grouping of the 118 identified elements in our world. The table is organized into rows called periods and columns called groups. The groups contain elements that have similar chemical behavior.

Each block on the periodic table is a snapshot of one element that lists its:

  1. Chemical symbol
  2. Atomic number
  3. Average atomic mass of its isotopes.

You can investigate the periodic table to find patterns for yourself.

In a given period, the farther to the right the element is on the table, the smaller it is, the more electronegative it is, and the higher its ionization energy. By contrast, in a given group, the farther down the element is, the larger it is, the less electronegative it is, and the lower its ionization energy.

You will also find that the elements can be separated into metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Most periodic tables use color to identify these categories, but the elements far to the left are metals, the ones to the far right are nonmetals, and some of the elements in between are metalloids.

The periodic table is a wonderful resource for solving chemistry problems and equations.


The names and letter symbols of the elements come from various sources such as 

  1. Latin (aurum for Au – Gold or natrium for Na – Sodium) 
  2. Greek (kryptos/stranger for Krypton or baris/heavy for Barium)
  3. Other languages (Spanish platina/little silver for Platinum or the old Anglo-Saxon/Celtic word ludaihe for Lead and the Latin word plumbum which became lead’s symbol Pb)
  4. People (Curium or Einsteinium)
  5. Places (Americium or Ytterbium)
  6. Planets and Asteroids (Plutonium or Cerium)

In addition to using this valuable resource for high school chemistry, younger homeschool students can familiarize themselves with the periodic table through word and number games, or hands-on discovery of elements around them.

  • Find interactive tables that list actual everyday uses for all of the most common elements, and let your students find these common items around your home.
  • Use the chemical symbols on the periodic table to spell words or create puzzles.
  • Decorate graphic artwork or create fun science-related greeting cards with chemical symbols.
  • Color the periodic table based on a properties key.
  • Find books about the periodic table to bring the information to life.
  • Create a card deck of the elements and make up games.
  • Use sticky notes to build a periodic table on the wall as your students learn new elements.

How many more fun ways can you find for your younger students to explore the periodic table?

The History of the Periodic Table

So how did we get this graphic marvel of modern chemistry?

Dmitri Mendeleev gets credit for organizing the elements into his periodic table in 1869, Previous earlier attempts by other scientists rarely get noticed, but were excellent examples of people trying to wrangle the elements into some semblance of order.

Way back in 1789, Antoine Lavosier began listing certain substances he believed were broken down as far as they could be. He called these substances “simples”.

Then John Dalton produced a table in 1805 of atomic masses derived from mixing elements to determine what they created. Although the measurements were primitive since the ratios were unknown, Dalton did develop the atomic theory.

In 1862, Alexandre-Emile Beguyer de Chancourtois devised a 3D model he called a telluric screw. This device, when rotated, displayed the atomic weights of certain elements at regular intervals and clearly showed a “periodic” occurrence of these weights.

John Newlands also noticed patterns among the atomic weights of elements and created an arrangement in 1865. His Law of Octaves compared these patterns with musical notes arranged in scales. The reason he used intervals of 7 is because the noble gasses hadn’t been discovered yet, and didn’t leave spaces for future discoveries. But he was on the right track and eventually got credit for his discovery.

Around the same time as Mendeleev was designing his periodic patterns, Julius Lothar Meyer recognized the periodicity of elements. At first, he played with just a few elements and made a chart of how they combined with each other, then later added the transition metals. His chart was very similar to the one Mendeleev published, but Meyer’s work was published a year later, so he deferred to Dmitri as the first.

Mendeleev sorted and arranged the elements into the original precursor table of our current table. He intuitively placed elements in their places based on their atomic weights as well as their properties in relation to similar elements. Since he was fond of card games, Dmitri initially used paper cards with atomic weights and arranged elements into groups he called “suits”.

An important feature of his table were the gaps he left for undiscovered elements and he even made predictions as to the characteristics of five of them. These predictions turned out to be accurate. Then when the noble gasses were discovered in the 1890s, they fit right into the table, further proving Mendeleev’s work.

It turns out, Dmitri’s table even anticipated and provided evidence to prove atomic structure, something scientists of the time had not discovered.

Mendeleev said of his discoveries:

“Before the promulgation of this law, the chemical elements were mere fragmentary, incidental facts in Nature. The law of periodicity first enabled us to perceive undiscovered elements at a distance which was inaccessible to chemical vision.”

He also said:

“Elements arranged according to the size of their atomic weights show clear periodic properties. All comparisons which I have made…lead me to conclude that the size of the atomic weight determines the nature of the elements.”

Finally, in 1913, Henry Moseley used x-rays to measure the wavelengths emitted by certain elements and then used a frequency calculation to figure out that atomic number actually represents the number of protons in the atoms that make up the elements.

Even in 1945 scientists were still making new discoveries and expanding the usefulness of the table. Glenn Seaborg made a discovery concerning a group of elements that modified the arrangement of one portion of the table, giving us the current version.

The Periodic Table in your homeschool

As you can see, many scientists contributed to the methodical organization of the elements in our world, and the periodic table continues to evolve today. With Mendeleev’s periodic law, the table continues to provide opportunities to discover new elements, and the periodic table as we know it today is a most useful scientific tool.

You will explore the periodic table of the elements more in our courses Science in the Atomic Age and  Discovering Design With Chemistry.

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How to Homeschool High School Science and Why You Should

You’ve mastered elementary and middle school science with your students. Keep up the good work with your homeschool science adventure as you dive into high school. We’ll help you!

Exploring science in the early grades is fun and exciting, but the prospect of introducing biology, chemistry, and physics to your high schoolers can be daunting.

Let’s explore how to transition from middle school to high school science to maintain your momentum.

Getting Ready For High School Science

If you’ve been homeschooling a while, you’re familiar with the laws in your state. You can find more information here. Review the requirements for high school graduation in your state to help you set educational goals.

If your student is college-bound, see what (if any) requirements your state has for high school graduation in a homeschool setting.  Just remember, even students who may not intend to go to college can use solid high school science knowledge in many different trades. Plus, if they change their minds, you’re all one step ahead.

Make your high school plan based on your research. Here at Berean Builders, we suggest teaching high school science in a specific order since math knowledge and science course progression go hand in hand.

Using a Curriculum for High School Science

Maybe you’ve enjoyed a child-led exploration of early grades using an eclectic mix of learning opportunities. You can still do that in high school, but to assure a more thorough science education, consider adding a curriculum designed to cover what your student will need after graduation.

A prepared curriculum offers lessons in a logical order that allows students to build on previous knowledge when presented with more complex concepts.  If you do not feel equipped to provide a solid science curriculum for your student, coops and online classes can be utilized as a way to aid independent study at home.

With high school science, your student may complete much of their work on their own. Sit down with them to determine a schedule of study so they can stay on track and understand what is expected of them by certain dates. Set aside days to review their work and take regular assessments as the year progresses.

You don’t have to know high school science to facilitate your student’s education in the subjects. Be creative, be resourceful, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Transitioning from Middle School to High School Science for Homeschoolers

Early years of homeschool consist of plenty of guided lessons. Once your student is ready for high school, you can begin to guide less and encourage more independent study. This not only takes some of the pressure off you to actually teach science but sets up your student for self-guided learning that will serve them well in college and life beyond.

Middle school science covers general ideas through life, earth, and physical science courses. This builds a framework for your high schooler to expand upon as they cover deeper concepts through biology, chemistry, and physics.

Your student may spend longer on a specific topic than they did in middle school. And while you may have presented engaging experiments to bring an idea to life then, in high school, your student will be much more methodical about lab work.

Notebooks are one possible way to study however, some students prefer notecards, some use highlighting and margin notes, and some prefer making outlines.  As your high schooler investigates a topic, have them write or draw their understanding of the idea. This can can be used later for study and will also give you insight into how well they are learning a subject.

High School Science Labs at Home

Typical graduation requirements for high school include science labs .  You can find many virtual labs for high school science that broaden your student’s understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, and physics. However, It is important to note that virtual labs are not accepted by universities.  Real labs are necessary to meet their requirement.

At Berean Builders, we understand how important hands-on learning is for science. Which is why we provide appropriate labs and experiments with clear instructions to immerse your student in the current topic of study.

Put lab time on your student’s schedule and make it a priority to fulfill those lab credit requirements.

Join Homeschool Science Groups

Clubs and co-ops can make high school science even more exciting for your high schooler. Not only will your student be introduced to new friends, but they will get a feel for working with a group of like-minded individuals. This may help them at university, or even set them up for success in a scientific field after graduation.

Seek out science groups in your area or find an online group if that better suits your situation. Your student can discuss concepts, participate in experiments, play games, and compete in challenges all while increasing their circle of friends and acquaintances along with their scientific knowledge.

High School Science as Life

Homeschool parents know it is impossible to compartmentalize individual subjects, so you take that to heart as you find the science, history, and math in everyday learning.

Knowing this allows you to explore the science in other subjects.

It also allows you to use science as a springboard into historical events or even activities in your own life such as cooking or gardening. Science is woven into every aspect of our days and nights, and you can create plenty of opportunities for observation and wonder. That they learn science is indeed a bonus.

In addition, by applying lessons to life, your student will not have to ask, “When will I ever use this knowledge?” They will be able to see the significance immediately.

Let Your High Schooler Lead Within a Framework

Having a well-planned curriculum can make your high school science year easier, but what if your student becomes deeply interested in a particular topic? In elementary and middle school, you could go off on tangents and then swing back to the main plan.

What about high school? Can you still take a deep dive into one fascinating topic?

The beauty of homeschool is that your student is able to explore one idea for an extended time without getting too far off schedule. All that delight-directed learning satisfies high school requirements, more so if hands-on experiments are included. The curriculum will be waiting when they return.

They’re Never Too Old for Field Trips

Your younger students probably spent many happy hours on field trips for science. Do they have to give up that fun for high school? No!

High school science offers even more opportunities to learn away from home. Older students are often welcome to take tours of places younger kids can’t go. Take advantage of factory tours and career days so your students can meet experts and ask lots of questions. They may even get inspired about their future!

You can also arrange visits to science departments at nearby colleges and universities. What better way to get a taste of science on campus than to see it in person?

High School Science Does Not Have to Be Boring

Keep in mind that fresh feeling of discovery when your students were in earlier grades. Bring that joy along for the homeschool science adventure in the upper grades.

Forget the sleep-inducing textbooks of your high school science experience. Today you have many more resources at hand to make high school science fun.

  • Work with a textbook that is conversational, not dry.
  • Present in-home lab experiments that are engaging.
  • Incorporate videos and nonfiction books into your plan for the year.
  • Allow your student to follow their interests.
  • Join high school science groups.
  • Make plenty of field trip memories.
  • Experiment with online classes if your student enjoys lecture-style learning.
  • Seek support from educators and scientists to deepen your student’s understanding.

Your student can enjoy high school science, and you can relax, and rest assured you’ve given them the very best homeschool science experience.

High School Science at Home

With all the resources available to you, high school science at home is not only possible, but also recommended! You homeschooled through the lower grades, and you know your student better than anyone.

You don’t have to love or even be good at science to offer your student the very best high school science education that will take them right into college or the trade of their dreams. Plus, a solid science base can help your homeschool student be at the top of the list for STEM scholarships at their preferred college or university.

Remember, Berean Builders is here to help you with science, and we have even more resources for you.

How to Choose the Ideal Homeschool Curriculum

Find out why we teach the sciences in a specific order: biology, chemistry, physics

Homeschool Physics? Yes!

Science Courses Online? Here are the benefits!

Science Labs at Home

Preparing Your Student for College Science

Looking For Specific High School Level Science Resources?

Berean Builders offers a variety of excellent courses for your high school level learner as well.  We have all of your high school science needs covered with our comprehensive approach.

Discovering Design with Biology

Discovering Design with Chemistry

Discovering Design with Physics

Discovering Design with Earth Science

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Why We Teach The Sciences In A Specific Order

Remember when you were in high school? You probably took science in this order: Biology, Chemistry, Physics.

What is the reason for this sequence? To keep the subjects in alphabetical order?

Far from it.

The study of each of these sciences requires a certain level of understanding in mathematics for each. This discourages lower grades from leaping right into physics.

Conceptual Physics For Lower Grades: The Pros and The Cons

Some educational institutions have attempted to circumvent this by offering something called conceptual physics in lower grades.

And while it may offer a basic grasp of physics concepts, conceptual physics does not lead to a deep understanding of the science behind the equations.

Math-based physics is a superior approach in order for students to have an appreciation for the operations they are performing to demonstrate a physical concept.

A statement attributed to prominent physicist Ernest Rutherford is,

“All science is either physics or stamp collecting.”

In other words, we must understand the processes of biology, chemistry, and the other sciences through the lens of physics, or we’re simply gathering disconnected facts.

Physics, Or Natural Philosophy, Is The Basis For All The Sciences

Early scientists were all physicists. At the time, physics was called natural philosophy and focused on understanding the laws of the universe.

Speaking broadly, physics is the basis of everything, and to comprehend this broad natural philosophy, scientists needed to understand math.

Galileo stated it best when he said,

“Philosophy is written in that great book which ever lies before our eyes — I mean the universe — but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols, in which it is written.

This book is written in the mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.”

And to comprehend physics, students must have a firm grasp of trigonometry.

We Teach High School Science Backwards: Teaching Sciences In A Specific Order

So, we teach high school science “backwards”.

  • Our courses begin with biology, which only requires basic math skills.
  • Then we offer chemistry, which needs an understanding of algebra to grasp.
  • And finally, we dive into physics after the student has moved through geometry and trigonometry.

Alphabetical order, maybe, but for a very concrete reason.

If we were to begin with the hardest subject, even though it’s the basis for all science, we’d turn some students off, as they would struggle without strong math skills.

In short, no trig, no physics.

The Importance Of Keeping Students Engaged In Science Courses

Even students who don’t naturally gravitate toward the sciences are more likely to stick with science courses if they start with the easier math-based subjects before they move on to physics.

And it turns out, students who have taken trig-based physics (versus conceptual physics) in high school do better at university with a calculus-based course.

As you’re looking through our course sequence, you’ll notice we have math prerequisites listed for each.

Once your student has mastered the specific math levels, you can confidently approach that science for the year.

Not Ready For Higher Level Sciences In Your Homeschool? No Problem

But what if your student isn’t mathematically ready for the next subject?

You can fill in their science requirements with any one of the other basic courses we have available while you wait for their math skills to catch up.

Give your student the best chance at learning and appreciating science by following our course schedule to offer the appropriate subject based on the level of math they have mastered.

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Finding The Right Science Curriculum For Your Homeschool: K-8

which science course should I choose

When planning out your homeschool year, you want to include engaging science information to help your student understand our amazing world.

But which course should you choose? And in which order should you use the available courses?

Finding The Right Science Curriculum For Your Homeschool: K-12

Let’s start with the elementary years.

The good news: you can pick any one for elementary grades!

Since elementary years are all about becoming proficient in reading, writing, and math, your student will spend a lot of time practicing these skills.

We want to make science fun while helping your student learn to observe, record, and marvel at the universe around them.

Which is why you can begin your elementary homeschool science adventure with any one of these engaging courses.

We even make it easy by letting you know what concepts your student should already know when beginning a course.

If they need to know a bit more about a topic than the course offers, a quick online search will fill in the gap.


Let’s examine the sequence of the science courses offered.

Although the courses explore scientific developments chronologically, you may choose to present them in any order depending on your other homeschool subjects or the time period that interests your student.

For Students in Grades K-6

Science in the Beginning

You can start with this course to give your student a solid foundation of how our world was created.

Using the days of creation as an outline, the material covers basic concepts such as

  • the properties of light, air, and water,
  • basic botany, zoology, and human physiology,
  • and our solar system.

This examination of how the world began helps students understand the beauty of the Creator and the wonder of His works.

Science in the Ancient World

Follow the Beginning with a look at how ancient scientists explored God’s creation to learn more about the Creator.

Covering the years 600 BC to 1500 AD, this course covers the work of these naturalists and philosophers, both the concepts they got right and the mistakes they made.

Since this course examines early science as it was developed, your student will discover a wide range of new ideas including

  • early medicine,
  • basic physics and simple machines,
  • the Earth’s place in the solar system,
  • astronomy,
  • botany,
  • and the effects of erosion.

As they are introduced to the science and the men who furthered fresh ideas, your student will also come to understand the later scientists for the devout Christians they were.

Science in the Scientific Revolution

Expand on the fresh scientific ideas from the ancients with the next book in the series.

The time covered in this course is less than 200 years, and the advances made in the basic areas of science were vast.

Also covering science as it was developed, the topics included echo those in Science in the Ancient World, but on a deeper level.

Your student will increase their understanding of

  • astronomy,
  • the physiology of plants, animals, and human anatomy,
  • basic physics,
  • and the scientific laws developed during this time.

The scientists who investigated the world around them from 1543 to the end of the 1600s were pioneers and curious about the world around them. They were also men of God interested in learning more about the Creator and His creations.


Science in the Age of Reason

Continuing the tour through the history of scientific development, this next course explores natural philosophers from the early 1600s to the early 1800s as they built on previous discoveries to further their understanding of the world around them.

Topics include

  • astronomy,
  • basic chemistry and physics concepts,
  • human physiology, botany and zoology,
  • and atmosphere and weather.

Not only will your student see how new science discoveries begin with older ideas, but they will also understand how the worldview of the scientist can affect their conclusions.


Science in the Industrial Age

The final book in the elementary science series covers discoveries made from the early 1800s to the early 1900s.

As scientists continued to explore the world, they made a multitude of new discoveries and advancements.

Your student can follow these discoveries in

  • medicine and human physiology,
  • basic physics and chemistry,
  • evolution,
  • and explore the development of new scientific laws.

They will also learn the beliefs of the scientists and how those worldviews directed their theories and conclusions.

A Well Rounded Tour of Elementary Science

These five courses follow science through history and demonstrate the growth of scientific discovery and understanding.

Each course includes many hours of hands-on activities to keep the lessons engaging for elementary students, plus three levels of review exercises so you can choose the depth of understanding you wish for your student.

An added benefit of these five courses is they are multi-level.

This means even if you are diving into homeschooling in the later elementary years, you can choose any course to begin your scientific journey.

In addition, you can teach several ages/grade levels using the same course by assisting younger children with the experiments or using the more thorough review exercises for older students.

Middle School Science for Students in 7th and 8th grades

When your student is headed into the middle grades, you may wonder which courses to choose next.

The most important factor in deciding on a course is your student’s level in mathematics.

Since the courses offer problems involving calculations, you’ll want to be sure your student comprehends that math level before you dive into a course to assure their success.

In addition to observing and recording their experiences, your student will be asked to learn and apply specific concepts, both in the abstract and in the concrete with hands-on experimentation.


Science in the Atomic Age

Science in the Atomic Age

Modern scientists have furthered our understanding of the world around us, and this course covers these discoveries.

From atoms to biomes, this course covers the organization of our world and God’s design in nature.

Because this is a laboratory-based course, your student will have plenty of hands-on experiments and activities to help them grasp the concepts presented.

The topics build on what the student has already learned in earlier science studies, and the experiments can be performed using common household items easily found in local shops or online.

Discovering Design with Earth Science TextbookDiscovering Design with Earth Science

This course explores earth in great detail from the formation of rocks to the properties of water and the interaction of each on our earth’s crust.

Your student will need a firm grasp of 7th grade math to do the calculations presented.

Your student will be able to exercise critical thinking as they are presented with the opposing ideas of uniformitarianism and catastrophism.

Each of these concepts is presented in a fair and balanced examination with plenty of follow-up questions to generate thoughtful contemplation.

This course also includes 55 hours of laboratory instruction using hands-on activities and experiments.

A kit containing laboratory materials is available for purchase, and some of the experiments can only be performed with items from the kit.


As you can see, these seven courses cover science from creation to modern day exploration.

You and your student can decide which of the elementary topics to cover and in which order.

And your middle schooler can move confidently into more complicated science when they have the math proficiency to do so.

We hope this helps simplify your homeschool science curriculum choice!

We’re available to answer any questions and to help your student explore God’s world through hands-on science.

Looking For High School Level Science Resources?

Berean Builders offers a variety of excellent courses for your high school level learner as well.  We have all of your high school science needs covered with our comprehensive approach.

Discovering Design with Biology

Discovering Design with Chemistry

Discovering Design with Physics

Discovering Design with Earth Science

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How to Choose the Ideal Homeschool Science Curriculum

How to choose the ideal homeschool science curriculum

Choosing the ideal science curriculum for your homeschool can make the year exciting and fun for your students. But how do you know which curriculum will work best?

You homeschool because your child comes first. You know them better than anyone! Let’s take a look at some criteria you can use to make the best science curriculum choice.

What Is Your Student’s Learning Style?

How does your child learn best? We all learn in many ways including visual, auditory, and hands-on, but most people have a dominant learning style.

To explore this topic more, take a look at this post to see what learning style describes your student.

This dominant style will help you determine the best way to present your science curriculum. What will they enjoy most?

  • Textbooks?
  • Visual aids?
  • Audio books?
  • Videos?
  • Keeping a journal?
  • Watching lectures?
  • Hands-on experiments?
  • Exploring the world around them?

All of these items and activities will help your student recall and retain science concepts, even if you focus more on their particular learning style by using primarily one or two options.

What Are Your Science Goals For The Year?

As the saying goes, you can’t get to your destination if you’re not sure what it is. What are your homeschool goals for science?

Is your student just entering middle school? The world is your classroom, and science learning can be broad and inclusive. Introducing your student to a wide variety of science concepts can lay a strong foundation for more focused courses in high school.

Do you want to stick with a specific grade science course? Or do you prefer to let your student’s interest determine the lessons?

How about high school science? The subjects get narrower and deeper in high school. The best gauge for which curriculum to choose depends on your student’s path after graduation.

Will they be going to college? Choose a curriculum that prepares them for higher education using university-style lessons.

Are they interested in following a trade instead? A more relaxed approach to science can be both fun and educational while preparing them for the world.

What Is Your Worldview?

Speaking of the world, your science curriculum choice will hinge on the worldview your family embraces. Do you want lessons that are faith-based? Secular? Or somewhere in between?

As you research, the science programs you encounter will define themselves by one of these three criteria. Choose the best fit for your homeschool and your family.

How Involved Do You Want To Be In Homeschool Science?

Let’s face it, science isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And having a productive homeschool year is important to you.

Your curriculum choice can help! Perhaps you enjoy working with textbooks and planning out lessons for the year.

Or maybe you’d rather have the lessons planned for you including appropriate experiments to help your child learn the concept.

You could even prefer to have someone else help out by offering audio lessons or video lectures.

Your desired level of involvement can help you determine which curriculum will work best for your homeschool.

How Much Tracking Do You Need For Your Homeschool?

Some of the available science courses will provide you with ongoing assessments so you know exactly what your student is learning.

Others will require you to create your own tests and assessments for your records.

Determine what assessments you need for your state and local, as well as personal requirements, then let those help you choose the curriculum that offers the most direct path to their fulfilment.

How Much Support Will Your Student Need?

Maybe science is your favorite subject, and you can’t wait to share the wonderful world of knowledge with your students.

But maybe you or your student will need some extra support to make sure the course goes smoothly.

When choosing a science curriculum, look for the level of support included. If your student is stuck on a concept, is there a question-and-answer service? How about a help line if they’re stuck on an experiment?

Additional science resources will help expand your student’s learning. Genuine support when needed can make your science year more enjoyable for all.

How Flexible Should Your Science Curriculum Be?

Do you want to stick to the curriculum as is, or will you need to adapt it to your student’s interests and learning pace? Your student may learn slower or faster than a rigid curriculum. A flexible and customizable approach may help take any stress out of your homeschool science.

What Is Your Homeschool Science Curriculum Budget?

With every homeschool science curriculum comes various purchasing options. Evaluate your budget then seek those courses that fit within your family’s spending plan.

Does the curriculum include everything you need for the year’s science? Will you need to purchase additional materials, books, or access to digital resources or online support?

Can you do the science experiments with what you have on hand at home, or will you need to include instruments and harder-to-find materials?

Do you have the option to pass on some of the pricier additions or does the course require their inclusion?

Have your budget in mind when you’re researching available science curriculum and don’t forget any extras you may need.

Are You Teaching Homeschool Science To Multiple Students?

Are your students close enough in grade level to learn together? Or will you need to teach them independently?

Is the curriculum designed to be used with multiple students by offering additional resources and materials in a customizable package?

Can you reuse the curriculum again and again as your other students reach that particular level?

Consider your students’ grade levels and abilities to determine the best multi-student science curriculum available.

What Do The Reviews Say?

Probably the most utilized methods of choosing a curriculum are getting recommendations and reading reviews.

Just remember, a glowing recommendation or a great review on an awesome science curriculum doesn’t mean that particular curriculum will work for your family.

Evaluate your science needs with all these questions to help you narrow down a science curriculum that fits your homeschool the best.

Still have questions?

We at Berean Builders can help you decide if one of our courses is exactly what you’ve been seeking. Contact us! We’re always excited to help.

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What are the Advantages of Adding Physics to Your Homeschool Science?

Biology, chemistry, and physics…the trilogy of high school science.

But is it really necessary to take all three? In short, yes. But why? What are the advantages of adding physics to your high schooler’s homeschool science?

Science For The College Bound Homeschooler

If your student is college-bound, their transcript will be well-rounded and impressive with these three subjects. (If you’ve ever wondered why we suggest presenting those sciences in that order, find out in this post.)

And if you feel a bit intimidated about teaching high school science, especially physics, fear not, Berean Builders is here for you. We make it easy to cross high school science planning off your list.

Why Include Physics In Your Homeschool Science?

Are there any good reasons to just let physics slide? Your student can learn that stuff in college, right? Maybe so, but there are several advantages to adding physics to your high schooler’s curriculum.

We’re surrounded by technology.

Not only do physics concepts describe the world around us, but we also live in a technological world. The everyday processes and productions that use heat, light, sound, magnetism, and electricity require a general knowledge of physics to create and maintain.

Think of all the amazing tech that uses physics! Scanners at the store, jets, digital cameras, cell phones, plasma TVs, solar panels, wind turbines, rockets, telescopes, and cars, among a myriad of other modern conveniences, all require physics to operate.

Physics underlies all other sciences.

Biology and chemistry both use the mechanics of physics. While students may not understand why adding heat or light produces certain effects as they study these subjects, once they are introduced to physics, the proverbial lightbulb illuminates. Physics helps students comprehend the world around them, and Berean Builders physics creates critical thinkers ready to take on that world.

Admissions tests benefit from high school physics.

If your student’s chosen college requires a standardized admissions test, the test will require math, verbal, and keen deduction skills. Physics uses algebra and geometry in addition to complex analogies which reinforce these skills for the test and answers the age-old question “when will I ever use this?”

Some university majors require physics.

The value of a good physics course lasts well beyond high school. Colleges recognize the importance of high school physics on a transcript, and certain majors depend on a solid working knowledge of the presented concepts.

STEM careers need a solid physics background.

If your student plans to pursue a STEM subject in college, physics is a prerequisite subject, and a good high school course sets the stage for college success.

Careers involving computer science, engineering, and even pre-med require physics courses, and college admissions may favor those students who have tackled and mastered high school physics. Your student can exceed expectations with high school physics listed on their transcript.

Studying physics boosts critical thinking skills.

In addition to introducing important science concepts, physics helps your student hone their critical thinking skills, something we at Berean Builders believe is vital to their success. The current job market is filled with careers dependent on a firm grasp of physics.

Physics enhances music and art studies, too.

Want a bonus reason to include physics in your high school science planning? An in-depth knowledge of physics helps students with music and art! Knowing the properties of sound and light can deepen your student’s understanding and appreciation of these pursuits.

Introducing Discovering Design with Physics

Discovering Design with Physics

Dr. Wile’s new course, Discovering Design with Physics, is a re-engineered approach to teaching the subject to better present the material. The textbook is hardback so you can use it with multiple students and comes with the accompanying course website and our free question-and-answer service.

He shares more about writing the book and creating the course in this blog post and this blog post.

…that’s what the subject of physics is all about. We try to “take the world apart” to see how it works.

There has never been a better time to incorporate physics into your homeschool science curriculum. With Dr. Wile’s improved approach plus the addition of new material in the course, you can offer your student the science trilogy they’ll enjoy, and colleges will appreciate.

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3 Benefits of a Historical Approach to Science In Your Homeschool

Taking a historical approach to science in your homeschool helps make the learning come alive! In this approach,  students learn science in the order it was discovered by the great scientists of history.

If you have multiple children in elementary level studies, good news! Dr. Wile’s elementary science series contains multi-level books you can use for any grade K-6. And the unique feature of this wonderful course is it uses history as its guide. Science Through HiStory is elementary science simplified! Science concepts are presented in the order they were discovered while constantly reminding students of the Creator who fashioned the marvels they are studying.

Homeschool Science: Historical vs. Topical

Most elementary science programs are built around a topical approach to science where students work through a unit focused on one area of science (i.e., weather) before moving to a different topic.

But Berean Builders’ five-volume Science Through HiStory series takes a completely different approach, exploring science through a chronological journey through science.

Students learn science in the order it was discovered by the great scientists of history. As a result, the topics change frequently.

For example, in the first 15 lessons of Science in the Ancient World, students learn about measuring tall things, fire, music, atoms, and medicine. The topics are unified by the people who studied them and the way science was developing at the time.

You may be asking, “Why chronological science?”

3 Reasons to Teach Science Using a Historical Approach

  1. Students learn the enormous debt science owes to Christianity. 

Many unsuspecting students are taught that Christianity has opposed science throughout history. In fact, if it weren’t for Christianity, we wouldn’t have the science we have today. When a

student sees how science developed, this truth becomes obvious.

  1. Students get a more realistic view of how science works.

Science is mostly about making mistakes and then learning from those mistakes. For example, in other curricula, students could be taught a brief synopsis of how the scientific view of the solar system changed over time. In our course, they learn in detail what scientists initially thought and see each major step that produced the modern view of the solar system.

  1. Thanks to frequent review, students have better retention. 

In a historical approach, students continually revisit science topics but in the context of a new person and how he refined an old idea. This narrative method makes science more interesting than a topical approach so children remember the material longer.

For more information about our historical approach to science, see p. 4 of the catalog.

The Eras of Science Through HiStory

science in the beginning book cover

Science in the Beginning uses the Biblical days of creation to introduce a wide range of scientific topics including the nature of light, energy conservation, the properties of air and water, introductory botany, our solar system, basic zoology, and some aspects of human anatomy and physiology.

science in the ancient world book cover

Science in the Ancient World covers the work of the natural philosophers who lived from about 600 BC to the early 1500s AD and presents science as it was developed. The ancient scientists, some who were devout Christians, got a lot right but also missed the mark on certain ideas. We explore these mistakes to advance our understanding of the natural world.

science in the scientific revolution book cover

Science in the Scientific Revolution spends time with natural philosophers from 1543 to the end of the 1600s covering new science concepts as they were discovered. From human anatomy to electricity and the laws of motion, this book shows the scientific thinking of the philosophers who embraced the Christian faith.

science in the age of reason book cover

Science in the Age of Reason sheds light on the discoveries of scientists from the 1600s to the early 1800s. The book covers a wide range of topics being discovered at the time and allows students a peek into the worldview of these pioneers and how that worldview shaped their scientific conclusions.

science in the industrial age book cover

Science in the Industrial Age encompasses the multitude of scientific discoveries that took place during the 1800s and early 1900s. The variety of topics covered includes biology, chemistry, geology, medicine, cell biology, and radiation, and brings to light how the worldview of the scientists affected the conclusions they drew.

Flexible and Engaging Science for Elementary Students

Each of these books can be used as a stand-alone science text and presents plenty of hands-on activities to keep elementary students engaged and curious.

Plus, with three levels of review for the lessons, you can adjust the level of challenge for each individual child. Older students can work with their younger siblings to enrich their science learning experience.

Coordinate Your History and Science Lessons If You Choose

What’s this special approach that no other science program takes? It’s a chronological one.

With this linear approach, it seems a natural fit to synchronize your Berean science to whatever history program you’re using. We have a guide here where you can find detailed notes for meshing these popular history programs with the Science Through HiStory series:

  • Biblioplan
  • Diana Waring
  • My Father’s World
  • The Mystery of History
  • Simply Charlotte Mason
  • Story of the World
  • Tapestry of Grace
  • Veritas

But Should I Synchronize My Science and History Programs?

Yes, aligning your history and science programs may make sense on the surface, but please be forewarned: The process is a bit difficult and not all that beneficial.

First of all, history progressed at a steady pace, but science did not. Science started out slowly and then gained a lot of momentum as the Christian worldview developed. It gained even more momentum as technology developed.

For example, Science in the Ancient World covers about 2,100 years of history. The next book, Science in the Scientific Revolution, covers only 200 years. And the remaining two books, Science in the Age of Reason and Science in the Industrial Age, cover only 100 years each. Science in the Atomic Age (for junior high) also covers only about 100 years.

Your history program’s pace may not match at all!

We think the best thing you can do is cover history and science separately without worrying about matching them up perfectly. When you encounter the same ideas, scientists, or events in a different course, you get a chance to review what was already covered!

Your homeschool is a reflection of you and your family’s needs and goals.

We are delighted to offer this flexible, chronological approach to elementary science you can use in the way that works best for you!

And, as always, we are available to answer your questions about how to get the most out of our courses for your unique homeschool experience.



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The Importance of Summer Science

two girls enjoying summer science in a forest

Fall, winter, spring…ahhhh summer. Should your student take a long break from schoolwork or keep learning year-round?

No matter the season, learning never stops.

But some studies have shown that an extended time away from active learning can cause knowledge to wane, especially in math and reading.

To keep these skills sharp, we recommend some fun summer science activities, so your student retains what you’ve taught them and is ready for the next Berean Builders course.

You can find many lists of summer science activities for your students of all ages with a quick online search.

Look for fun projects, natural observations, seasonal crafts, and kitchen chemistry (cooking) that include plenty of reading and math.

Project Based Learning For The Win (PBL FTW!)

Project based learning can be a great summer focus.

  • Plant a garden,
  • keep a weather record,
  • map the moon, stars, and planets each night.

Your student’s interests should lead the list of summer learning. Find what they love, then have a blast incorporating stealth lessons throughout the season.

Why stealth? Because some students balk when it comes to using “vacation” time for learning. Use your best judgement for your particular situation and find the quiet lessons in everyday science.

Most of all, give your student opportunities for critical thinking.

Let them decide what activities will be most effective. Let them do the research and planning.

Once they’re excited about a topic, let it run its course as long as they’re interested. Every moment spent enjoying a project is a moment dedicated to keeping their skills sharp all summer.

Get Out There and Science!

Whether you take a break from lessons or school year-round, summer is a great time to do science experiments in the great outdoors.

Biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science experiments abound, and summer is ideal for observing and interacting with nature and the world around us.

Summer is also a great time to complete any experiments you may have missed during the year.

Berean Builders science courses contain hundreds of hands-on experiments to help students comprehend abstract concepts with concrete actions and observations.

Moderation is the Key

Of course, we know you and your student need time off from teaching and learning to reboot, relax, and refresh. Summer learning doesn’t have to be every day! A couple of activities per week is plenty to make sure math and reading stay at level and learned science concepts stay in your student’s knowledge base.

Your future self will thank you for encouraging your student to practice what they’ve learned so you don’t have to reteach concepts or rehash last year’s lessons.

Make this summer one to remember with plenty of interesting science experiences. Then get ready to start a whole new science adventure in the fall!

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6 Benefits of Online Science Classes from Berean Builders

6 Benefits of Online Science Classes

Berean Builders Science courses offer a complete learning experience for your student.

We understand students learn differently. Visual students gain their information from reading our textbooks. Students who take in new ideas by hearing them enjoy the audiobooks of our courses. And our hands-on experiments help those kinetic learners solidify concepts.

We also understand the value of live instruction, which is why Berean Builders offers online course lessons as well.

Once per week in a 90-minute videoconference call, Dr. Wile covers material from our chemistry and physics courses, and Mrs. Lori McKeeman instructs students in general science, physical science, and biology.

Online science classes can provide several benefits for your homeschooled students. Let’s explore some of these.

Personalized Learning

Since students have unique learning styles and needs, participating in our online courses addresses individual needs and provides personalized instruction and immediate feedback. These live lessons are engaging and conversational.

“It has been encouraging for me to notice [my daughter] giggling during Physics sessions with you. She tries so hard to keep up with her studies in your class. From my vantage point, it is a blessing to see her enjoying your sense of humor within the rigorous study of Honors Physics. Thank you so much for making her learning experience a joy.”

Interactive learning

Speaking of engaging, our online course lessons allow students to ask their questions and get real-time answers from the instructors, taking the textbook information to a broader, yet more personal, level. The students can grasp concepts quicker and build on them as the course progresses.

“I really enjoyed class this year. Your instruction has been the highlight of my entire time in high school. I read several of your other texts throughout high school and loved them, but this class with the live teaching has been incredible.”


Online science classes can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easy for homeschool students to fit them into their schedule. This flexibility is particularly useful for homeschool families who have busy schedules or who travel frequently. Science on-the-go!

“I’m so sad that this class is almost over! You are one of the best teachers I’ve ever had! I’ll miss seeing you (even if it’s only over the Internet)!”

Access to quality instruction

Homeschool parents aren’t required to be experts in all the subjects. If the thought of teaching science gives you pause, our online classes are the solution. Dr. Wile and Mrs. McKeeman offer students access to high-quality instruction from educators who are passionate about science.

“My daughter is loving your Biology course this year. It’s the only day of the week she jumps out of bed excited for school. It has improved not only her science knowledge, but her work ethic, scheduling skills, and study skills. Please keep offering these!”

Preparation for college

If your student is college-bound, you understand the importance of high school preparation. Dr. Wile is a university professor and introduces students to college-level instruction through our online classes. Attendees get a first-hand look at how college classes can be structured, and our online courses prepare your students for university-level science. This can help students develop the skills they will need to transition and succeed in college.

“I wanted to thank you for being such an amazing Physics teacher to [my son] this school year. I rest easy knowing he is in phenomenal hands and is being thoroughly challenged in preparation for college. He thinks so highly of you and enjoys your classes very much. Thank you again!”

Access to a wider range of courses

Online science classes can provide homeschooling parents with access to a broader range of courses than they might be able to offer on their own. This can be especially helpful for parents who are not experts in science or who are unable to teach advanced courses.

“…my daughter, who did not want to take Chemistry, developed a strong appreciation for it because you made the concepts so understandable and the content so interesting.  So much so that she told her sister she had to take Chemistry from you because she now believes Chemistry is not a have to take class, but a must take class.   Every week she excitedly shared about some new concept she learned…Thanks for taking the subject she dreaded most and making it the subject she became the most excited about this year!”


Science is just one facet of homeschool learning. At Berean Builders, we live by our name. We want your students to examine their world and ask deep questions. Through our live online classes, we offer opportunities for them to do just that.

“Your year-long Honors Physics class has been challenging, demanding, and wonderful.  I think the struggles and demands it placed on [my son] helped him grow in many good ways.  I particularly loved your invitation at the end of classes to discuss theological or other matters.  Students at this age (and especially right now) face deep, important questions about God and our culture, and to have a godly, intelligent, and wise teacher/mentor to safely ask questions has been a huge godsend.”

For science this year, take a look at our online classes to see if Berean Builders Online is a good fit for your student. With all these benefits, we believe online science is a winner.

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Homeschool Science Labs Made Easy

homeschool science lab

It’s no secret Berean Builders courses prepare your student for university level science. You’re ready for science at home! But what about homeschool science labs?

Does the word lab conjure up a large room full of strange equipment and unknown substances?

Does this image make you doubt your ability to give your kids lab experiences equal to public school?

Don’t worry, we have you covered with labs, too.

The Value Of Science Labs In Your Homeschool

You may be surprised to learn that Berean Builders science labs are even more real than classroom labs.


In a rigid school setting, the teacher prepares the labs and offers his or her experience as the students encounter roadblocks as they proceed. This sounds great right?


If a student is relying on an experienced teacher to think for them, they aren’t thinking for themselves. And that’s what we’re doing here at Berean Builders…helping students become critical thinkers.

A homeschool student conducting a lab on the kitchen counter doesn’t have the luxury of raising their hand to ask trifling questions. They really have to think through the problem on their own.

Of course, we’re here for any insurmountable difficulties!

But what we really want is for your student to think about the problem and come to their own conclusions before escalating their questions.

Even better, since they are not restricted by a set classroom time, they can keep playing with the experiment until it works.

This is actual science, not spoon-fed predictions and outcomes.

Your student can work on their own to find flaws in their processes.

Plus, they’ll have the opportunity to do their own troubleshooting.

Frustrating for them?


But your homeschool science will have better labs for their efforts.

Your children can enjoy having figured it out on their own.

College Prep Science Labs In Your Homeschool

Another wonderful result of experiencing labs at home is that your student will be better prepared for college labs.

In Dr. Wile’s opinion, the best of his university science students were homeschool grads! These students were better at thinking through issues in labs and didn’t need handholding to accomplish the day’s goals.

Fortunately for you, the associated equipment for today’s labs is much more readily available, much better, and much more affordable.

You also have a new realm of experiments available. You are now able to recreate public school labs right at home.

With non-toxic chemicals and first-class equipment that you can access affordably, your homeschool labs will be equal to the “real” labs you may remember.

And your students will benefit from university level science labs along with the first-rate science courses from Berean Builders.

Homeschool Science Lab Resources From Berean Builders

Take a look at some of the extensive lab kits we have available to accompany our science courses:

Lab Kit for Discovering Design with Earth Science

Lab Kit for Discovering Design with Chemistry

Dissection Lab Kit for Discovering Design with Biology

Microscope Lab Kit for Discovering Design with Biology

You can feel confident offering a college-prep science education in your homeschool along with thorough labs to build your creative thinker.