When your homeschool graduate gets to college, will they be ready for science?
How can you be sure?
Most of us remember science classes and labs in school. The smells, the jars and bottles of strange and wonderful substances and all those instruments! Plus mounds of new and exciting information.
Our teachers guided us through the systems and methods of high school science and lab work, and some of us took that to college where we realized…
We didn’t really know all that much about post-secondary science OR labs.
Our professors had to toss in some remedial instruction so we could succeed without blowing up the chemistry lab or cross-contaminating our petri dishes in the biology lab.
Not to mention the basic stuff we should have brought with us from high school.
And honestly, the last thing a college professor wants to do is fill in the blanks left by a high school teacher, no matter how talented that teacher was.
If you remember those days, or if you are concerned that you can’t possibly prepare your homeschooler for science in college, we’re here for you.
One of the most common homeschool parent worries is how to be sure their student is ready for college. And it’s a legitimate worry.
However, if you are presenting science courses from Berean Builders at home, your homeschooler is already getting college-prep science training.
College Prep Science For Homechoolers
First of all, Dr. Wile is a university professor.
He already knows the skills your student needs to be successful in college-level science.
Not only can Dr. Wile pass on this knowledge through the detailed material and extensive labs included in each Berean Builders science course, but he also helps students hone their critical thinking skills.
Critical thinking is vital, not only in science but in other subjects, as well as life after college.
Secondly, high school science is intended to give students a solid knowledge base on which they can build once they reach college.
This knowledge base is imperative.
In Dr. Wile’s words,
“You can’t stop to Google every time you have a problem.”
Some facts and processes need to be readily available in the quick access section of a student’s memory.
Berean Builders science courses build that base.
Your homeschool graduate will have the body of knowledge in their head that a university professor expects them to know.
Science courses from Berean Builders prepare students for college
The method behind our science courses combines comprehension checks throughout each lesson with reviews and knowledge tests at the end.
The reviews and tests help your student understand the facts presented, and the comprehension checks train your student how to think like a scientist.
These checks and reviews are balanced to help your student gain the facts they need and the thinking skills to apply them.
Why does this matter?
In order for your student to get the most out of college-level science courses and their associated labs, they can’t have facts at the exclusion of thinking skills, and vice versa.
Rote memorization may result in good grades in high school, but facts without critical thinking skills won’t help them advance in higher learning.
Conversely, thinking skills without facts won’t help them much either. Remember the Google comment above?
With Berean Builders, you can be confident you’ve provided your homeschool student the same level of instruction they would receive from high school college prep courses…if not better.
After all, they’ll be getting their high school education from a university professor. Which means your homeschool students will already be learning science skills at a college prep level.
University Professor On Standby For Your High Schooler
Not only that, Dr. Wile is easily accessible if your student has questions.
He’s only an email away, and he is eager to help his science students comprehend the concepts he presents in the courses.
Berean Builders brings science to your homeschool with professional labs designed to be conducted right at home.
To be sure your homeschool graduate has a well-rounded science education, include Berean Builders science courses in your planning for next year.
We’re here to help you determine the best sequence to present science subjects, and we’re looking forward to working with you as you help your student get ready for college and life beyond.