It is quite surprising to know that many parents, who homeschool their kids, are of the view that audiobooks or listening to a book isn’t really beneficial for their kids, especially in comparison to silent reading. There is no evidence in support of this argument. As a matter of fact, audiobooks are considered beneficial for all listeners, especially for those kids who struggle with reading books. In this blog, our aim is to help parents understand that there is no harm in using audiobooks. They will only help your kid learn better. We have listed some benefits of audiobooks. Let’s take a look at them.
The Value Of Using Audiobooks In Your Homeschool
Helpful For Emerging Readers
As a parent, you might argue that how can audiobooks help my kid improve his/her reading skills if they are not reading in the first place? See, when you use audiobooks, your kid gets to listen to fluent reading. The more they hear fluent reading, the better they will be able to read aloud. They’ll understand the role of punctuations in a passage and how they affect meaning. After listening to audiobooks for a while, they will be able to notice right away whether someone is reading too fast or too slow, which needless to say, helps them control their own pace while reading.
Great For Completing Thick Books
Leave kids, even us adults are sometimes intimidated by long books. There are many adult readers, for example, who struggle to complete Anna Karenina even after several attempts. The same thing discourages kids from reading or finishing their textbooks. Apart from high word-count, kids also get discouraged from dialects that they are not familiar with or style of writing that they have never been exposed to. To deal with all these problems, using audiobooks is a fantastic option.
Great For Utilizing Free Time
Your goal as a parent is to educate your kid as much as you can in a fun and friendly way. As families, we go out together in our cars to many different places. You can use this free time to familiarize your kids with scientific facts, short chapters from a history book, or complete a nice novel like the Matilda on a long road trip. When you’re driving down the road, your kids can look out of the window while listening to an audiobook. Without feeling as though they are studying, your kids can easily utilize this free time learning something valuable via an audiobook.
Audiobooks Can Play An Important Role In Your Homeschool
As you can see, audiobooks can play an important role in homeschooling. If you still feel using audiobooks is sort of like cheating, then we will advise you to not use them as a valuable tool for homeschool education, but as a tool for entertainment. Many families listen to audiobooks simply for fun, memories, and interesting conversations. Do not let homeschool bias impede you from using top audiobooks that can help your kid improve his/her vocabulary, imagination, and ability to recollect key information.
Audiobooks With Berean Builders
At Berean Builders, you can find science audiobooks for junior high and senior high. Whether you’re searching for eleventh, twelfth, eight, or seventh grade science textbooks, you can find top-quality science books and audiobooks for elementary, junior high, senior high easily at Berean Builders. We are known for our world class science curriculum for home school students.