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Earth Science In Your Homeschool: Choosing A Curriculum That Works For Your Family

Are you wondering why you should include earth science in your homeschool lessons? By learning about the world, the workings of its features and systems, and the cosmos in general, students can develop an essential and deep understanding of God’s creation and their place in it.

Understanding Earth’s Systems

Our Science Through HIStory series and our Discovering Design with Earth Science course encompass the study of our planet’s various systems – from the atmosphere to the lithosphere and everything in between. In our courses, students gain a comprehensive understanding of how these systems interact and influence each other. They learn about the water cycle, weather patterns, plate tectonics, and the rock cycle, among other phenomena.

Understanding these systems provides students with a solid foundation for comprehending the environmental challenges facing our planet today, such as pollution and natural disasters. By grasping the underlying principles governing Earth’s systems, homeschoolers can develop a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance that sustains life on our planet and the importance of responsible stewardship.

Connecting with Nature

One of the unique advantages of teaching earth science at home is the opportunity for hands-on learning experiences in nature. Whether it’s studying rocks and minerals on a hiking trip, observing wildlife in their natural habitats, or conducting experiments in the backyard, homeschoolers have the freedom to explore the natural world firsthand.

These immersive experiences foster a strong connection with nature and instill a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. By engaging with the environment directly, students can recognize and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world, inspiring them to become lifelong stewards of Earth. Our courses include hands-on experiments to help your student understand the concepts taught in each lesson.

Exploring the Cosmos

Earth science isn’t just about the planet we inhabit – it also includes the study of the universe beyond. Homeschoolers have the opportunity to explore topics such as astronomy, cosmology, and space exploration, igniting their curiosity about the cosmos and our place within it.

Studying astronomy allows students to marvel at the wonders of the night sky, from the phases of the moon to the distant galaxies billions of light-years away. They can learn about the life cycle of stars, the formation of planets, and the interactions between our earth, the solar system, and the universe as a whole.

Cross-Curricular Learning Opportunities

Homeschool education creates an opportunity for cross-curricular learning, integrating concepts from earth science with those found in physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics, and providing students with a holistic understanding of the natural world. Including stories from literature, history, and current events helps students to see how earth science can connect seemingly unrelated subjects and increase understanding.

Our courses help homeschoolers develop critical thinking skills and the ability to make connections between different fields of study. They learn to approach problems from multiple perspectives and appreciate the interconnectedness of many subjects, preparing them for success in future academic pursuits and careers.

Fostering a Lifelong Love of Learning

Beyond the academic benefits, studying earth science nurtures a lifelong love of learning and exploration. By encouraging curiosity, creativity, and independent thinking, homeschoolers develop a passion for discovery that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom.

Whether they pursue careers in science or not, the skills and knowledge gained through our courses will serve students well in any field. From problem-solving and critical thinking to communication and collaboration, the lessons learned are applicable to a wide range of endeavors.

Here are the courses in the Science Through HIStory collection!

Incorporating a Christian Worldview in Homeschool Science

At Berean Builders, we embrace a Christian worldview and include in our courses scientific evidence that supports the validity of the Christian faith. Let’s explore how you may further incorporate Christian values into your homeschool science lessons and integrate faith into your students’ learning experiences.

Recognize God as Creator

At the heart of Christian faith is the belief that God created the heavens and the earth. Homeschool parents can emphasize this foundational belief by exploring the beauty and complexity of the natural world through the lens of creation. They can teach their children to marvel at the intricacy of God’s design, whether studying the geological formations, the diversity of ecosystems, or the vastness of the cosmos.

Study the Role of Stewardship

Christianity teaches the importance of stewardship – the responsible care and management of God’s creation. Homeschool parents can incorporate lessons on environmental stewardship into their earth science curriculum, highlighting the biblical mandate to protect and preserve the earth for future generations. Dive into topics such as conservation, sustainability, and ethical considerations in resource management.

Explore the Harmony of Science and Faith

Science and faith are not inherently at odds with each other. Homeschool parents can help their children see the compatibility between scientific inquiry and Christian beliefs by exploring the ways in which scientific discoveries complement and affirm biblical teachings. Include discussions on the orderliness of the universe, the fine-tuning of physical constants, and the evidence of design in nature.

Discuss Creation Narratives

Our courses incorporate biblical creation narratives that provide opportunities for homeschool parents to discuss theological concepts alongside scientific principles. Parents can explore the different interpretations of the creation accounts in Genesis, encouraging critical thinking and respectful dialogue about the relationship between scripture and scientific evidence.

Foster a Spirit of Wonder and Gratitude

Homeschool parents can cultivate a spirit of wonder and gratitude in their children by encouraging them to reflect on the awe-inspiring aspects of God’s creation. Plan activities such as nature walks, stargazing sessions, or journaling about the beauty and diversity of the natural world. By nurturing a sense of wonder, parents help their children develop a deeper appreciation for God’s handiwork and a grateful heart for the blessings of creation.

Incorporate Scripture into Lessons

Integrating relevant Bible verses and passages into earth science infuses Christian values into the curriculum. By connecting scripture with scientific concepts, parents help their children see the interconnectedness of faith and learning.

Encourage Service and Outreach

Finally, homeschool parents can empower their children to live out their faith through service and outreach efforts related to earth science. Encourage participating in environmental clean-up projects, volunteering with conservation organizations, or advocating for policies that promote sustainability and stewardship. By putting their faith into action, children learn to be agents of positive change in the world, reflecting the values of compassion, justice, and care for creation taught in the Christian tradition.

Science With An Holistic Christian World View

Our courses embrace a Christian worldview. Incorporating Christian biblical values into homeschool Earth Science education offers a holistic approach that integrates faith, learning, and stewardship.

Discovering Design with Earth Science Textbook


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Finding The Right Science Curriculum For Your Homeschool: K-8

which science course should I choose

When planning out your homeschool year, you want to include engaging science information to help your student understand our amazing world.

But which course should you choose? And in which order should you use the available courses?

Finding The Right Science Curriculum For Your Homeschool: K-12

Let’s start with the elementary years.

The good news: you can pick any one for elementary grades!

Since elementary years are all about becoming proficient in reading, writing, and math, your student will spend a lot of time practicing these skills.

We want to make science fun while helping your student learn to observe, record, and marvel at the universe around them.

Which is why you can begin your elementary homeschool science adventure with any one of these engaging courses.

We even make it easy by letting you know what concepts your student should already know when beginning a course.

If they need to know a bit more about a topic than the course offers, a quick online search will fill in the gap.


Let’s examine the sequence of the science courses offered.

Although the courses explore scientific developments chronologically, you may choose to present them in any order depending on your other homeschool subjects or the time period that interests your student.

For Students in Grades K-6

Science in the Beginning

You can start with this course to give your student a solid foundation of how our world was created.

Using the days of creation as an outline, the material covers basic concepts such as

  • the properties of light, air, and water,
  • basic botany, zoology, and human physiology,
  • and our solar system.

This examination of how the world began helps students understand the beauty of the Creator and the wonder of His works.

Science in the Ancient World

Follow the Beginning with a look at how ancient scientists explored God’s creation to learn more about the Creator.

Covering the years 600 BC to 1500 AD, this course covers the work of these naturalists and philosophers, both the concepts they got right and the mistakes they made.

Since this course examines early science as it was developed, your student will discover a wide range of new ideas including

  • early medicine,
  • basic physics and simple machines,
  • the Earth’s place in the solar system,
  • astronomy,
  • botany,
  • and the effects of erosion.

As they are introduced to the science and the men who furthered fresh ideas, your student will also come to understand the later scientists for the devout Christians they were.

Science in the Scientific Revolution

Expand on the fresh scientific ideas from the ancients with the next book in the series.

The time covered in this course is less than 200 years, and the advances made in the basic areas of science were vast.

Also covering science as it was developed, the topics included echo those in Science in the Ancient World, but on a deeper level.

Your student will increase their understanding of

  • astronomy,
  • the physiology of plants, animals, and human anatomy,
  • basic physics,
  • and the scientific laws developed during this time.

The scientists who investigated the world around them from 1543 to the end of the 1600s were pioneers and curious about the world around them. They were also men of God interested in learning more about the Creator and His creations.


Science in the Age of Reason

Continuing the tour through the history of scientific development, this next course explores natural philosophers from the early 1600s to the early 1800s as they built on previous discoveries to further their understanding of the world around them.

Topics include

  • astronomy,
  • basic chemistry and physics concepts,
  • human physiology, botany and zoology,
  • and atmosphere and weather.

Not only will your student see how new science discoveries begin with older ideas, but they will also understand how the worldview of the scientist can affect their conclusions.


Science in the Industrial Age

The final book in the elementary science series covers discoveries made from the early 1800s to the early 1900s.

As scientists continued to explore the world, they made a multitude of new discoveries and advancements.

Your student can follow these discoveries in

  • medicine and human physiology,
  • basic physics and chemistry,
  • evolution,
  • and explore the development of new scientific laws.

They will also learn the beliefs of the scientists and how those worldviews directed their theories and conclusions.

A Well Rounded Tour of Elementary Science

These five courses follow science through history and demonstrate the growth of scientific discovery and understanding.

Each course includes many hours of hands-on activities to keep the lessons engaging for elementary students, plus three levels of review exercises so you can choose the depth of understanding you wish for your student.

An added benefit of these five courses is they are multi-level.

This means even if you are diving into homeschooling in the later elementary years, you can choose any course to begin your scientific journey.

In addition, you can teach several ages/grade levels using the same course by assisting younger children with the experiments or using the more thorough review exercises for older students.

Middle School Science for Students in 7th and 8th grades

When your student is headed into the middle grades, you may wonder which courses to choose next.

The most important factor in deciding on a course is your student’s level in mathematics.

Since the courses offer problems involving calculations, you’ll want to be sure your student comprehends that math level before you dive into a course to assure their success.

In addition to observing and recording their experiences, your student will be asked to learn and apply specific concepts, both in the abstract and in the concrete with hands-on experimentation.


Science in the Atomic Age

Science in the Atomic Age

Modern scientists have furthered our understanding of the world around us, and this course covers these discoveries.

From atoms to biomes, this course covers the organization of our world and God’s design in nature.

Because this is a laboratory-based course, your student will have plenty of hands-on experiments and activities to help them grasp the concepts presented.

The topics build on what the student has already learned in earlier science studies, and the experiments can be performed using common household items easily found in local shops or online.

Discovering Design with Earth Science TextbookDiscovering Design with Earth Science

This course explores earth in great detail from the formation of rocks to the properties of water and the interaction of each on our earth’s crust.

Your student will need a firm grasp of 7th grade math to do the calculations presented.

Your student will be able to exercise critical thinking as they are presented with the opposing ideas of uniformitarianism and catastrophism.

Each of these concepts is presented in a fair and balanced examination with plenty of follow-up questions to generate thoughtful contemplation.

This course also includes 55 hours of laboratory instruction using hands-on activities and experiments.

A kit containing laboratory materials is available for purchase, and some of the experiments can only be performed with items from the kit.


As you can see, these seven courses cover science from creation to modern day exploration.

You and your student can decide which of the elementary topics to cover and in which order.

And your middle schooler can move confidently into more complicated science when they have the math proficiency to do so.

We hope this helps simplify your homeschool science curriculum choice!

We’re available to answer any questions and to help your student explore God’s world through hands-on science.

Looking For High School Level Science Resources?

Berean Builders offers a variety of excellent courses for your high school level learner as well.  We have all of your high school science needs covered with our comprehensive approach.

Discovering Design with Biology

Discovering Design with Chemistry

Discovering Design with Physics

Discovering Design with Earth Science