Choosing the ideal science curriculum for your homeschool can make the year exciting and fun for your students. But how do you know which curriculum will work best?
You homeschool because your child comes first. You know them better than anyone! Let’s take a look at some criteria you can use to make the best science curriculum choice.
What Is Your Student’s Learning Style?
How does your child learn best? We all learn in many ways including visual, auditory, and hands-on, but most people have a dominant learning style.
To explore this topic more, take a look at this post to see what learning style describes your student.
This dominant style will help you determine the best way to present your science curriculum. What will they enjoy most?
- Textbooks?
- Visual aids?
- Audio books?
- Videos?
- Keeping a journal?
- Watching lectures?
- Hands-on experiments?
- Exploring the world around them?
All of these items and activities will help your student recall and retain science concepts, even if you focus more on their particular learning style by using primarily one or two options.
What Are Your Science Goals For The Year?
As the saying goes, you can’t get to your destination if you’re not sure what it is. What are your homeschool goals for science?
Is your student just entering middle school? The world is your classroom, and science learning can be broad and inclusive. Introducing your student to a wide variety of science concepts can lay a strong foundation for more focused courses in high school.
Do you want to stick with a specific grade science course? Or do you prefer to let your student’s interest determine the lessons?
How about high school science? The subjects get narrower and deeper in high school. The best gauge for which curriculum to choose depends on your student’s path after graduation.
Will they be going to college? Choose a curriculum that prepares them for higher education using university-style lessons.
Are they interested in following a trade instead? A more relaxed approach to science can be both fun and educational while preparing them for the world.
What Is Your Worldview?
Speaking of the world, your science curriculum choice will hinge on the worldview your family embraces. Do you want lessons that are faith-based? Secular? Or somewhere in between?
As you research, the science programs you encounter will define themselves by one of these three criteria. Choose the best fit for your homeschool and your family.
How Involved Do You Want To Be In Homeschool Science?
Let’s face it, science isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And having a productive homeschool year is important to you.
Your curriculum choice can help! Perhaps you enjoy working with textbooks and planning out lessons for the year.
Or maybe you’d rather have the lessons planned for you including appropriate experiments to help your child learn the concept.
You could even prefer to have someone else help out by offering audio lessons or video lectures.
Your desired level of involvement can help you determine which curriculum will work best for your homeschool.
How Much Tracking Do You Need For Your Homeschool?
Some of the available science courses will provide you with ongoing assessments so you know exactly what your student is learning.
Others will require you to create your own tests and assessments for your records.
Determine what assessments you need for your state and local, as well as personal requirements, then let those help you choose the curriculum that offers the most direct path to their fulfilment.
How Much Support Will Your Student Need?
Maybe science is your favorite subject, and you can’t wait to share the wonderful world of knowledge with your students.
But maybe you or your student will need some extra support to make sure the course goes smoothly.
When choosing a science curriculum, look for the level of support included. If your student is stuck on a concept, is there a question-and-answer service? How about a help line if they’re stuck on an experiment?
Additional science resources will help expand your student’s learning. Genuine support when needed can make your science year more enjoyable for all.
How Flexible Should Your Science Curriculum Be?
Do you want to stick to the curriculum as is, or will you need to adapt it to your student’s interests and learning pace? Your student may learn slower or faster than a rigid curriculum. A flexible and customizable approach may help take any stress out of your homeschool science.
What Is Your Homeschool Science Curriculum Budget?
With every homeschool science curriculum comes various purchasing options. Evaluate your budget then seek those courses that fit within your family’s spending plan.
Does the curriculum include everything you need for the year’s science? Will you need to purchase additional materials, books, or access to digital resources or online support?
Can you do the science experiments with what you have on hand at home, or will you need to include instruments and harder-to-find materials?
Do you have the option to pass on some of the pricier additions or does the course require their inclusion?
Have your budget in mind when you’re researching available science curriculum and don’t forget any extras you may need.
Are You Teaching Homeschool Science To Multiple Students?
Are your students close enough in grade level to learn together? Or will you need to teach them independently?
Is the curriculum designed to be used with multiple students by offering additional resources and materials in a customizable package?
Can you reuse the curriculum again and again as your other students reach that particular level?
Consider your students’ grade levels and abilities to determine the best multi-student science curriculum available.
What Do The Reviews Say?
Probably the most utilized methods of choosing a curriculum are getting recommendations and reading reviews.
Just remember, a glowing recommendation or a great review on an awesome science curriculum doesn’t mean that particular curriculum will work for your family.
Evaluate your science needs with all these questions to help you narrow down a science curriculum that fits your homeschool the best.
Still have questions?
We at Berean Builders can help you decide if one of our courses is exactly what you’ve been seeking. Contact us! We’re always excited to help.
Hello, I was looking at your biology program for my 10th grader. She took anatomy/physiology in ninth grade. I don’t believe she would be in an honors class, so would she just do the textbook and testing, and then I could order the videos separate? Do they lineup even though it’s not an honors course?
Yes, the biology course can be a non-honors credit and the material in the videos is exactly the same if you’re not doing it for honors credit. https://bereanbuilders.com/ecomm/faq/#honors