When homeschoolers consider their different choices for science, one of their questions is “What is the Christian worldview of this course?”
Since worldview can cover multiple topics, a blanket answer doesn’t suffice.
We have previously spoken of what it means to be a Berean. But how can we apply that philosophy to further describe our worldview?
Mark 12:30 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
Building a Christian Worldview In Your Homeschool
To be a Berean is to search the scriptures to find out what is true.
When we approach science through a Biblical lens, we can focus on God’s revelation, which reduces the chance of misunderstanding.
When we understand the world around us as much as we are able, we are less likely to misinterpret the wisdom of the Bible.
Books by Dr. Wile take a holistic approach to science.
By gaining a thorough knowledge of how Christian thought has changed over the ages, students can have a better view of what is important in our world today.
And by using scripture as a focus for science, they can synthesize and formulate conclusions.
A worldview is based on the collection of things we know.
Scripture addresses many issues but is silent on others.
Science addresses many issues but cannot address every question we as humans have.
It is our goal, then, as Christians, to learn the Bible to the best of our ability and to learn about God’s gifts to us in order to create our worldview.
Building Bereans Through Critical Thinking
Students who are encouraged to think critically about science and the world around them are able to stretch their reasoning based on what they know.
In his science texts, Dr. Wile has presented both sides of certain theological beliefs.
This in-depth consideration allows students to figure out their own understanding of a concept. And this understanding allows them to form their own worldview on the topic.
It is our belief that a proper understanding of the world around us begins with scripture.
The Bible is God’s revelation to us as an infinite being communicating with us finite humans.
Having the Bible as an anchor and a focus allows us to comprehend the world around us as much as we can, making us far less likely to misinterpret the scriptures.
Including God In Science Books
Dr. Wile has been asked why he chose to include God in his homeschool science textbooks and curriculum sources.
“It was never my intention to proselytize through my books. If a student found God as a result of my instruction, wonderful. Instead, I realized including God in my texts was simply the right way to teach science.”
Far from claiming any particular doctrinal belief in his science courses, Dr. Wile presents different sides, often opposing, of those beliefs Christians have considered throughout history.
Even prominent men such as C.S. Lewis and Henry Morris, although pioneers in Christian thought, had radically different beliefs.
Students are able to learn these different beliefs and weigh them on the scale of science instruction and hands-on lab work to form their own opinions based on what they discover, both through science and through a study of the Bible.
Through these discoveries, the world of science is open to them, tempered by the Word of God.