Monday 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Mrs. McKeemon
Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body (ISBN 978-1-946506-60-3) will be used to teach this course on human anatomy and physiology. Human anatomy and reproduction are discussed in frank scientific terms. The solutions and tests book (ISBN 978-1-935495-97-0) is also required to grade the module review.
A syllabus will be provided by the first of September. The syllabus will let the student know what reading and lab work needs to be completed prior to class.
Berean Builders is providing registration services for Mrs. McKeeman. Your registration in the class is with the teacher and at their discretion for how the class is conducted and the material covered, not with Berean Builders. Please contact the teacher directly for resolution of concerns with your student’s class. Contact Berean Builders if there is an issue with the processing of registration or a payment.
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