SITAA Chapter 2

Sample Laboratory Notebook Entries
As discussed in Chapter 1, here are samples of laboratory notebook entries for the experiments in this chapter:

Sample for Experiment 2.1
Sample for Experiment 2.2
Sample for Experiment 2.3

Electrons in a Crookes Tube and How They React to a Magnet
This shows you a Crookes tube made like the one Crookes originally used. At 1:06, they recreate his experiment.

Electrons in a Crookes Tube and How They React to a Magnet
Here, I show you a beam of electrons in a Crookes Tube and how it reacts to a magnet.

Thomson’s experiment Explained
This video uses an animation to show what Thomson did to measure the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron.

Rutherford’s experiment Explained
This animation shows how Rutherford’s Experiment worked.

Centripetal Force
This animation explains the centripetal force.

Atoms Emittting Specific Wavelengths
This video shows you how excited atoms emit light of specific wavelengths when given energy.

Interactive Bohr Model
In this animation, the moving black dot is the electron, and the red ball is the nucleus. If you click on a button next to “Add Energy,” the electron will move away from the nucleus. The largest energy ejects the electron from the atom. All the others promote it to a different orbit. You can then choose how to watch it get rid of energy using the buttons above “Allow Relaxation.” The energies you choose determine where the electron jumps.

Developing the Current Model of the Atom
This video gives you a history of the atomic model’s development. I like this guy’s video personality.

Electrons Moving in Orbitals
This animation (no sound) gives you a visual for how electrons are moving in an atom.

How s and p orbitals fit in an atom
This animation (no sound) builds an atom with two s orbitals and one set of p orbitals, so you can see how they “fit” together in an atom. The nucleus is at the intersection of the arrows.

This video uses apples to illustrate isotopes.